Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Need an iPhone case?


I got an iPhone for Christmas this year (thanks Mom and Dad!) and at the moment it is in desperate need of a case. (As of right now, it must travel unprotected at the mercy of my klutzy, forgetful self.)

I was gushing over a friend's artsy iPhone case today, so she shared that she bought it online from  society6.com  after getting three cases for Christmas and not liking a single one (sounds like someone else we know who gets bugged by her mom for being very... particular about what she likes... *cough cough... me). Once I visited the site (and couldn't stop browsing through the THOUSANDS of options), I knew I had to share!

The above cases are just a few of the pages and pages (and pages) of iPhone cases and skins available at society6.com. They aren't cheap (each is $35), but I think I'll have to splurge just this one time.

Society6.com also sells skins for laptops, printed t-shirts and sweatshirts, and cool, reasonably priced art prints.

Happy browsing!
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  1. they all awesome, I suggest you to buy them all :))


  2. It's going to be so hard to decide! :)


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