Thursday, February 9, 2012

Seven Henrietta St.|| A video by Kate Spade New York

This video is so charming and gorgeous. I found it around a year ago and was completely obsessed with the vintage colors and textures. Luckily I happened to stumble across it recently and was re-reminded of my love for Kate Spade's wonderful, colorful videos. Check out more at Kate Spade New York's YouTube channel here :)
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  1. Oh that really is a charming video :) and I love that song from Soko!!

  2. Wow, I love it! It looks great!

  3. awh, this video was so lovely to watch! The colours are completely condusive to the adorable story :)

    ♥mollie from musicandmollie

  4. i kind of love how mean soko is. this video is supercute, reminds me of wes anderson movies xx


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